Talk in Cambridge: “Using Open Data and Crowdsourcing to develop CycleStreets”

If you’re in Cambridge on Thursday, come and hear about CycleStreets behind the scenes, organised by BCS East Anglia! Location: Red Gate Software, 12 Cambridge Business Park, CB4 0WZ  [Cycle there – directions] Date and time: 6:30pm – 8pm, Thursday, 26th April, 2012 The event is free, and there will an opportunity for networking before the talk, from 6.15pm. Full […]

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2 million cycle journeys planned with CycleStreets

Last night CycleStreets broke through the 2 million journeys planned threshold. Thanks to all our users, who we hope we provide a useful service to, and to everyone who has helped in any way or donated to the project! Thanks especially to everyone who has added data to OpenStreetMap. It’s a great data source, and […]

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UK Collision Map – a new resource for the cycle campaigning community

We’re pleased to launch today a new resource for the cycling community: a browsable, searchable collision map with complete details of every reported road collision involving cyclists in the UK since 2005. This will also be integrated into our new campaigning toolkit being finalised, Cyclescape. Not only can you browse around the map, but […]

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Mobile pages relaunched

We’ve refreshed the mobile section of our website, including new screenshots, updated feature lists, and a new page about our mobile web site. Mobile apps overview iPhone app Android app Mobile web site (HTML5) inc. Blackberry Third-party apps using CycleStreets routing CycleStreets apps are available for iPhone, mobile web (HTML5), and Android:          These […]

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OpenStreetMap community mapping guide – for Cycling Scotland

We’re pleased to announce the availability of a new brochure that we’ve done for Cycling Scotland, aimed at motivating people to get mapping for OpenStreetMap. Cycle mapping for cycle routing with OpenStreetMap – the new community mapping guide – explains how you can get involved. Cycling Scotland is the national cycle promotion organisation for Scotland, working to […]

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Ideas In Transit survey on CycleStreets

Interested in sharing your views and experiences of CycleStreets and other web-based travel information? The Ideas in Transit Project at the University of the West of England Bristol is working with CycleStreets to investigate people’s use of CycleStreets and other web-based travel information. The project is looking at the ways in which people use technologies […]

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Cyclescape update

We’re working on a major project, Cyclescape, a comprehensive online campaigning toolkit for UK cycle campaign groups, funded thanks to GeoVation. This blog post is cross-posted from the Cyclescape blog. About three weeks ago we opened up Cyclescape to a test group, Cambridge. Their Committee have been using the system instead of the e-mail list they […]

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We’re having an Android Hack Day!

We’re holding a CycleStreets for Android Hack Day on Saturday 25th February 2012. Come along, because it’ll be fun. Dive in So what might you do with the Android app? Well, anything you like, but here are some suggestions – export a CycleStreets route as GPX, integrate a vector mapping library like MapsForge, add speech output, […]

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Android app updated – A-B-C routing (waypoints) added

A new version of our Android app has been released, bringing with it our most-requested feature – waypoint routing! The full list of new additions is: A to B to C routing (waypoint/via-point routing) Changes to Add Photo to prevent duplicate uploads Routing finding should now work on all 3G networks Thanks as ever to […]

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