CycleStreets iPhone app – new version now out

We're pleased to announce the launch of our updated iPhone app – version 1.5. So what's new? Well, it's mainly a tidy-up release (looks prettier!) with a few new features. We've also been getting the app ready so we can add new stuff next. The itinerary shows route summary details – a much-requested feature Addition […]

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CycleStreets: Our Story – presentation to Net2Camb event

We really enjoyed the January Net2Camb Meetup event, where one of our lead developers, Martin, gave a talk 'Our Story'. Thanks to Claire for organising the event and everyone who came! It was particularly enjoyable as it was a rare opportunity to talk about the business and competition aspects of CycleStreets, about the challenges we face, […]

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Current priorities

At present, we've a couple of areas of work that we've been prioritising, to address known weaknesses with the system. Firstly, we've been working to reduce the 'wigglyness' of some routes. The problem is that the journey planner engine does not yet take account of turn delays. Once this is finally rolled out, routes will […]

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Lessons from the Developer Day

On Saturday we held an intensive but successful event that focussed on the development challenges for CycleStreets. It was attended by computer scientists, software engineering professionals and webmasters who have experience in managing online services. This summarises some of the stuff we talked about. Processing OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to build a Graph for Cycle Routing We […]

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Developer Day (6th March): final details

Here are final details for our Developer Day this Saturday. We’ve had to amend the location as there are more people than we expected – which is great news! If you plan to come, please let us know if you’ve not already been in touch. Time and place Date: Saturday 6th March 2010 Time: 10.30am […]

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Developer Day: Saturday 6th March

As previously posted, we’re going to have a Developer Day. The date has been set as 6th March, as that seemed to be the date that most people can do, and it gives us a little bit more time for preparation. We’re not sure we’ve got everyone’s e-mail who plans to come, so please do […]

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Developer Day – sign up now!

We’ve now firmed up plans for our Developer Day, to be held in the coming month. We’ve had various kind expressions of interest from people wanting to get involved at a more technical level, either in terms of programming or the OpenStreetMap-related aspects, and we thought this would be a good way of helping that process […]

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CycleStreets Developer Day coming soon

We’re planning to hold a Developer Day soon. We’ve had various kind expressions of interest from people wanting to get involved at a more technical level, either in terms of programming or the OpenStreetMap-related aspects, and we thought this would be a good way of helping that process along. It will be held in Cambridge […]

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