Scripting CycleStreets setup (Tech post)

This is a tech post, so if you’re not a techy person, feel free to stop reading now! We’ve been reorganising the CycleStreets codebase to get ready for open-sourcing the remainder of our software. This has been a challenging task involving learning how to write scripts that automate the installation of the CycleStreets website. The […]

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CycleStreets android app now with offline maps

We’re pleased to announce a major new version of the CycleStreets Android App (version 1.4), our fourth update in just over a year. It brings a great new feature … Offline maps!  Download the app update and install the map pack now!     Up until now, the CycleStreets app has had to download maps as it needed them. As you move […]

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Open sourcing update

We’re making good progress on this, after a stalled attempt to sort things out back in March when a busy period then struck. Our previous update has some background on this overall initiative. Firstly, we’re planning a Developer Day in late summer – more news soon. The last month or so has seen significant refactoring of some […]

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We’re having an Android Hack Day!

We’re holding a CycleStreets for Android Hack Day on Saturday 25th February 2012. Come along, because it’ll be fun. Dive in So what might you do with the Android app? Well, anything you like, but here are some suggestions – export a CycleStreets route as GPX, integrate a vector mapping library like MapsForge, add speech output, […]

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Upgraded hosting for CycleStreets (Technical post)

We’ve recently completed a switch over of the whole CycleStreets system to upgraded hosting. Our previous primary server has been extremely reliable and, having just checked, I find it has been up for 795 days, and has only been rebooted once in the last two-and-a-half years. The new primary server is needed to support expansion […]

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Toolkit: technical options report

This is a technical post – you can stop reading now if you're not into web development! We've been continuing to develop the spec that we recently published for the toolkit. Several options for development have emerged. We outline these in our Technical Options Report. We'd welcome any comments. CycleStreets has secured £27,000 of funding as […]

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CycleStreets Android app: join our code team

Jez Higgins is the lead developer of our Android app. Here he writes about getting involved in the project. Until Christmas last year, I'd never even thought of writing software for an Android phone. Yet within a month of googling "Android development quick start" I was committing code to the CycleStreets Android app. This indicates two […]

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