Open-sourcing effort

We’re working heavily at present on our open-sourcing initiative. Already our mobile apps and the Cyclescape project are open-source: iPhone (iOS) app Android app (on which we’ll be having a hack day soon – possibly in February) HTML5 mobile web app Cyclescape campaign group toolkit (plus deployment) If you can help with any of those, or […]

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Merging tool – new cycling data

As previously announced, we are working with the UK’s Department for Transport to make advanced cycling data attributes available for incorporation into OpenStreetMap. Rather than organising this along the lines of a bulk import, we are taking advantage of new technologies in Potlatch 2 and have commissioned Andy Allan, creator of OpenCycleMap, to develop new features to […]

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CycleStreets in 2011 – a year in review

We’ve had a busy year, and we’d like to thank everyone who has helped out with the CycleStreets project – whether that’s helping with development, design, promotion and word-of-mouth, mobile coding, and more. As you can see, since our launch in March 2009, usage has grown very considerably this year. We’ve planned almost 1.4 million […]

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User feedback helps improve Bike Hub app

This is a guest post from Carlton Reid, executive editor of and the editor of He writes here about the great new facilities in the Bike Hub app, which uses our routing and OpenStreetMap POIs feed. The latest version of the Bike Hub cycle satnav app is 2.2; I’m currently testing 3.0, due […]

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CycleStreets Android App Release 1.1

Jez Higgins is the lead developer of our Android app and has been working on lots of useful new features. He writes: The new update to the CycleStreets Android app was released to the Android Marketplace this week. If you already have the app installed, it should update itself automatically. If you don’t have it […]

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Designer needed! – Cyclescape design brief

We are seeking a talented designer with strong user interface abilities to undertake design work for the new Cyclescape website. Timescales are tight. Cyclescape is to be a website (currently under construction) aimed at helping cycling groups around the UK. The work will involve the creation of an overall design concept, plus user interface templates […]

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What’s the Cyclescape of your city like?

We’re pleased to announce the name of our new cycle campaign group toolkit: Cyclescape We had over 70 suggestions (including some humorous ones), many of which were excellent ideas. It became clear that many of the best ideas started with Cycle, and we liked the idea that the name would be co-branded with CycleStreets, i.e. […]

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