Sustrans routes and Google

The announcement today that Google are to include Sustrans cycle routes alongside other transport modes is welcome confirmation that cycling is becoming more mainstream. Pitching the various transport options side-by-side will allow people to discover that, for instance, a 3-mile journey across a city can be much quicker to cycle than to drive. Making cycling […]

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CycleStreets android app now with offline maps

We’re pleased to announce a major new version of the CycleStreets Android App (version 1.4), our fourth update in just over a year. It brings a great new feature … Offline maps!  Download the app update and install the map pack now!     Up until now, the CycleStreets app has had to download maps as it needed them. As you move […]

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Journey planner for Samsung Bike Week

We’ve created a customised cycle journey planner for the Samsung Bike Week website. We hope you’re enjoying Bike Week, and using it as an opportunity to spread the joys of cycling! Each event has a new ‘Plan your route to the event’ link, which pre-fills the destination box, making it even easier to promote events […]

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Open sourcing update

We’re making good progress on this, after a stalled attempt to sort things out back in March when a busy period then struck. Our previous update has some background on this overall initiative. Firstly, we’re planning a Developer Day in late summer – more news soon. The last month or so has seen significant refactoring of some […]

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CycleStreets Android app is one year old

Jez, the Lead Developer of our Android app, writes: The CycleStreets Android app when live a year ago yesterday. At the end of that first day there were a mighty 4 of what the Android Market calls “active device installs”. As of June 19, there are 10,089. Over the first six months, installs climbed pretty quickly for […]

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CycleStreets feedback triaging/handling system

CycleStreets gets lots of useful feedback, both on details of routes we provide and on system features. The quality of reported route feedback bugs is generally fairly high – users tend to give enough detail to enable the problem to be investigated properly. Simple “The route was problematic here” feedbacks are very rare. The feedback system we […]

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Cycling on the national stage

The last few months have seen a big resurgent movement of people wanting to see better cycling conditions around the UK. We couldn’t let this pass without some brief comment! Cities Fit for Cycling – Times CycleSafe The Times newspaper has been running a fantastic campaign, Cities Fit for Cycling, which has massively raised the […]

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CycleStreets Mobile web site judged “Best Application Design” by usability expert

We’re delighted that the CycleStreets Mobile web site has been judged one of the “Best Application Designs”, by renowned web usability guru, Jakob Nielsen! The mobile site was one of the winners in the Lightweight Applications category. You can read the report announcing the winners on his site, and a fuller downloadable report is available (for […]

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Cycle journey planning in Scotland

Over the last year we’ve been pleased to work with Cycling Scotland on a range of projects, now all completed and outlined below. These projects, which have been achieved thanks to Cycling Scotland’s grant and funding of £22k, will help improve improve CycleStreets, to help people find their way and consider cycling as a practical option […]

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Cyclescape: More features in place

Cyclescape is the toolkit for cycle campaign groups that we’re developing. Here’s the latest update, cross-posted from the Cyclescape blog: Work is continuing apace with Cyclescape, with more features now in place as we work up to a wider release to Campaign groups around the country. There are still quite a number of unfinished areas, […]

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