Students: Get paid to write code for CycleStreets/OpenStreetMap this summer with GSOC 2016

Each year, Google runs a summer programme called Google Summer of Code (GSOC), where students get involved in coding for open source projects like ours and are paid for their time. We (CycleStreets) have created a project ideas list, which would be undertaken under the umbrella of the OpenStreetMap organisation, and are willing to mentor a student […]

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TransportHack @ Smarter Travel LIVE!

Matt Whittle writes: This weekend we attended the Smarter Travel Live hack weekend. The aim of the hack event was to produce an output to support one of five challenges set by various organisations. We chose to tackle the Carplus challenge which was to try and find a way to reduce the use of cars as the primary […]

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Cycle commuting analysis of Bristol

We love it when our API comes in useful for academic purposes. This is a guest post by Richard Thomas. Bristol: Typical cycle commute time For my MSc dissertation, I investigated determinants of the proportion of people who choose to cycle for their daily commute. Specifically, I wanted to see whether an analysis of realistic […]

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New features added to Cyclescape

Lots of new features have been added to Cyclescape, our toolkit for cycling advocacy groups. Our developer, Nikolai, has been busy, working on piles of improvements and bugfixes. As featured on the Cyclescape blog, the latest updates include: Street View message replies: While it’s of course possible to navigate off-site, get a Street View link, […]

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Patrick reports back

Back in July we introduced our summer intern, Patrick. Here, he reports back on his achievements over the three-month period. This summer I worked for Cyclestreets as a paid intern for three months. During this time, I became acquainted with the large codebase the site runs on, and made several structural changes to the organisation of the code. […]

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Cambridge recognised in upcoming cycle planning awards

The efforts of several local organisations and companies to get more people cycling in the Cambridge, the HQ of CycleStreets, has been recognised in the inaugural Cycle Planning Awards. The awards ceremony is being held in Walthamstow, London on 14th September. CycleStreets is a finalist in the ‘Best Innovation’ category for its free-to-use journey planning website. CycleStreets runs […]

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Welcoming our new intern, Patrick

Please join us in welcoming our new intern, Patrick, who is working over the summer as a paid employee on the CycleStreets code. He’ll be working to add new API calls, add new features, refactor older code so that we can move the codebase forward, templatise sections so we can redesign them, and more. Patrick, […]

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Summer intern sought to help develop our codebase

CycleStreets is seeking a Cambridge (UK) -based intern over the summer, to help us improve our codebase quality. Over many years we have built up a very large codebase, which runs our Journey planner and Photomap. There are also other sections, such as a collision data viewer, points of interest pages, a (somewhat out-of-date) help/about section, […]

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Planning application integration now live

Cross-posted from the Cyclescape blog. We’re very excited to announce a major new feature on Cyclescape: integration of planning applications, which we pushed live last week after much work over the last 18 months. Cambridge Cycling Campaign is the group we’ve been testing this with and where the work has mainly been undertaken. The feature […]

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