Overview of CycleStreets: your questions answered

We’ve created some long-needed documentation: Overview of CycleStreets: your questions answered, covering a number of areas: Features: Cycle journey planner Features: Photomap Many more features Homepages for 1,500+ towns/cities/districts around the UK Branded versions for Local Authorities and others Community-based, not-for-profit The map data: where it comes from and how you can contribute How we use […]

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GeoVation Awards Programme submission

We’ve submitted an entry for the GeoVation Awards Programme – view our venture. A similar idea to what CycleStreets has been implementing was submitted by someone else, at https://challenge.geovation.org.uk/ideas/57 – please do add a rating for that idea. (Requires login first, but it’s fairly easy.)

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I can’t find my Postcode

It is very possible that you will not be able to find your own postcode using the CycleStreets search. This is due to the data source of postcodes that we are using, and you can contribute too. CycleStreets could use the Royal Mail’s Postcode Address File (PAF), however that is very expensive at over £5,000 […]

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IE8 users: Add our ‘Accelerator’ for the photomap search

Internet Explorer 8 has a useful new feature called ‘Accelerators‘. We’ve created an Accelerator for the CycleStreets photomap search. It basically gives you a one-click search for photos for a given bit of text. To get our Accelerator for IE8, go to our Search page, click on the blue install button. Then confirm, ideally clicking on the […]

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CycleStreets ‘Highly Commended’ at the ACT Travelwise Awards 2009

We’re pleased to announce that CycleStreets was awarded ‘Highly Commended‘ in the ‘Travel Plan Innovation of the Year‘ category at this year’s ACT Travelwise Awards. Sadly we didn’t make the top slot, but congratulations to Transport for London – Smarter Travel Unit, who won the overall category. Read the full list of award winners on the […]

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Great new flyer done for us!

Thanks very much to John-Paul Shirreffs who designed some flyers for us, at no charge, at short notice. We’ll be taking these, and our new upright banner (thanks to David Earl and Jim Chisholm of Cambridge Cycling Campaign), to the CycleNation/CTC conference and (Friday) Local Authority Day this weekend. Hope to see you there! (Bookings can still […]

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Hard at work …

Just a short blog post as we’ve been relatively quiet in the last few weeks! Simon in particular has been knuckling down on some new core routing algorithm work which is set to speed up longer journeys in dense areas like London. We’ll blog on this soon, once a key bug has been squashed. We’ve […]

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Last day to vote to get OpenStreetMap-based CycleStreets some funding

If you have not already voted, and you want to support CycleStreets, please vote today to get CycleStreets some much-needed funding! Thank you to the very many people who have told us they’ve voted for us. Your votes are much appreciated! Also, check out our recently-added features page! Simon, lead developer for CycleStreets, has reached the […]

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New ‘features’ page on CycleStreets

We’ve added a new features page that describes most of the existing functionality of CycleStreets. Check it out! We’ll add new stuff to it as the system improves. We’ll probably also add a few tiles on the actual routing engine features – some new aspects of which are being worked on right now.

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