We’ve updated the privacy policy on our main site. This replaces our previous policy that had become rather old, and provides more detail. We aim at all times to operate a privacy-aware site that protects your rights.
We’ve updated the privacy policy on our main site. This replaces our previous policy that had become rather old, and provides more detail. We aim at all times to operate a privacy-aware site that protects your rights.
To help keep us safe, the government has announced that councils should be creating new cycleways and wider pavements for physical distancing. Accordingly, we are pleased to announce the launch of Widen My Path, a new tool to enable local groups to identify where changes are needed, demonstrate support for them, and for Local Authorities […]
This update has been cross-posted from our blog on the StreetFocus website. StreetFocus is our project aiming to help communities benefit from new developments when they are proposed, and to help everyone find out more easily about proposals in their area. Since last summer, we’ve been working hard to create the new StreetFocus website. We’re […]
Cross-posted from our Cyclescape blog: Over the last five years, we’ve received lots of feedback about our Cyclescape website, which started in 2012, as well as much experience ourselves as users. As a result of funding from our new project StreetFocus, we’re pleased to announce that we will shortly be starting work on a full-scale redesign […]
Transport for London recently released a major new dataset detailing every piece of cycle infrastructure in Greater London. We’re proud to announce that we’re working with London Cycling Campaign (LCC) on a new project to help maintain that dataset, for TfL. This project will use LCC’s active volunteers and borough groups – the people who […]
We gave a talk at the State of the Map 2019 conference, the main annual meeting for OpenStreetMap, whose data we use for our cycle routing. Our talk was entitled “Is the OSM data model creaking?”. A video of the talk is now online: Here are the slides from the talk: Is the OSM […]
Transport for London (TfL) have created a new database of cycling infrastructure, containing 240,000 assets, covering all of Greater London. This is proposed to be released as open data. This groundbreaking database contains every cycle infrastructure asset within Greater London, including assets on and off-carriageway. The assets surveyed are: cycle parking; signals; signage; traffic calming measures; […]
You can now sign up as a beta-tester for our Android app, simply by opting into the beta programme in the Google Play Store. This enables you to get the latest improvements and give feedback before they are released officially. We’re currently making lots of changes to the app (thanks to the great work of […]
An exciting PhD studentship opportunity which we are involved in, cross-posted from the Data Analytics and Society Centre for Doctoral Training website. Deadline: 3rd June 2018. Towards data-driven policy development: the case of London’s built cycling infrastructure In 2013, £913m of funds was allocated over 10 years for investment in London’s cycling infrastructure. Much of this — […]
A techie post, about some cycling data which may be of use to people researching cycling. Back in 2011, we were involved in a project to convert some newly-collected cycling data from the UK’s Department for Transport for use in OpenStreetMap. The data was originally collected for the DfT’s Transport Direct project (which has since […]