Technote: Versioned routing database

A techy post, since we've not had one for a while! Over the weekend we rolled out some new infrastructure that has taken most of Simon's time for the last month. And thanks to donations and grants that we received, we now have a machine that works primarily to churn out imports without slowing down […]

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Londoners urged to get on their bikes to beat the tube strike

PRESS RELEASE: Londoners urged to get on their bikes to beat the tube strike With the onset of tube strikes, Londoners are urged to get on their bikes this week. But many people don't know good cycle routes around London – and traditional online maps don't know about shortcuts, park routes and quiet routes for cycling. London CycleStreets – […]

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Future Friendly Awards – please vote for us!

We're pleased to announce that we're one of the five national environmental projects nominated for the Future Friendly Awards! To win, we need as many votes as possible, though you can of course only vote once, so please spread the word! To vote, click on the logo near the top-right of their website: Vote now! […]

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Encourage your website visitors to cycle to you!

You can now create a 'cycle to us' link box for your organisation's own website, that looks like this: Visitors following the link will then get your location pre-filled as the 'cycle to' location in our journey planner. It's simple – all you need to do is go to and enter your postcode plus, […]

Read more – new site for Cambridgeshire County Council

We’re helping get Cycling Sorted, thanks to a new site we’ve created for Cambridgeshire County Council which has recently been launched! Cycling Sorted is a project run by the Cycle Cambridge team at Cambridgeshire County Council to find out where you would like to make improvements to cycling facilities in Cambridge and the surrounding villages, in terms of new […]

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What we’re working on …

This summer has been ridiculous busy for us. We've had a large number of projects, which has felt a little overwhelming at times! Simon is our 'routemaster', and he's been working solidly over recent months on a range of improvements to the journey planning engine: Main focus has been speeding up the routing engine performance. Thanks […]

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Cycle routing websites for Local Authorities

We've received several enquiries from Local Authorities recently about using CycleStreets in some way. We're busy creating a set of pages, including a demo site, for Local Authorities to explain various options available to them, including: Hosted versions of CycleStreets within the Council house style Simply linking to us (which of course is free, and […]

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Support Cycling England

We are alarmed at the news that Cycling England may be facing the axe, and that the future of the excellent Bikeability cycle training scheme and other important initiatives is therefore uncertain. Cycling England is the arms-length agency of the Department for Transport which deals with cycling. Its remit is to get "more people cycling, […]

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Guest post: Introducing London Bike App

This is a guest post from Nic Wise, creator of London Bike App – for the London cycle hire scheme, who is using our routing interface in his app. We asked him to tell our readers about his app, as it's another of our favourite apps of the seven(!) that have been released! He doesn't […]

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Photomap contributors’ usernames now shown

When adding a photo and associated comment to our Photomap, your username is now shown on the page. This applies to new contributions added from today onwards. For existing photos, contributors have been notified that this change will be applied to those images on 19th September (i.e. one month from today). We are happy to change […]

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