Guest post: Satnavving through the snow

This is a guest post from Carlton Reid, executive editor of and the editor of, who commissioned and helped designed the great new Bike Hub app which uses our routing! Following on from his first guest post, he writes about version 2.0 of the BikeHub satnav & bikeshop-finder iPhone app. I'm a Mac […]

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Formal spec of our mobile app published

The first draft of a formal spec of our mobile app has been published, for potential volunteer developers. See: It basically describes the functionality as exactly as possible of the iPhone app, to make conversion to other platforms easier. If you can help develop our apps, which are on GitHub, with the GPL license, please […]

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CycleStreets featured on government open data website

We were delighted to discover today that CycleStreets is featured as the default front page item on the government's relaunched website! CycleStreets uses four main open datasets: OpenStreetMap, consisting of data collected by people all around the UK to make a brilliant and versatile map dataset (this is not a government dataset though!) OS […]

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Funding drive launched

CycleStreets is launching a funding drive to enable routing improvements and a large number of feature requests to be undertaken. Our key target is for £90k to enable funding to pay for two full-time development positions for 18 months, plus smaller miscellaneous funds. With this, we believe the project will then be self-sustaining. CycleStreets is set up on […]

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Dogfooding in London

Dogfooding, for those who haven't come across the term, is programmers' jargon for 'trying out your own product', i.e. eating your own dogfood! While cycling around in London recently I made use of two great cut-throughs, thanks to our iPhone app and the great mapping done by OpenStreetMap folk. These are the kind of cut-throughs for […]

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CycleParking4London update

London Cycling Campaign's website, which we helped create, is continuing to see requests for new cycle parking locations pouring in. The site enables members of the public to submit suggestions of places needing cycle parking, which will then be used by local campaigners. As well as going to the main site itself, you can use the […]

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Digital Heroes vote – vote closing soon

Please vote for us, to help us get £5k of much-needed funding. To vote, just go to: and click on the voting button next to Simon, one of our main developers. Every penny would be used to improve the website to make it easier to use and produce better quality routes. Our users keep […]

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Short link domain:

We're pleased to announce the availability of a new domain name to access CycleStreets pages via shortlinks – useful for adding to Twitter and other messages. will redirect to the main site, as will all URLs in the same pattern, e.g. There are also short links for journey plans and Photomap URLs: […]

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CycleStreets: cycling to the moon 10 times

CycleStreets, the UK-wide cycle journey planner website, today reached a new milestone: a third of a million cycle journeys planned. Route 333,333 was a typical cross-city route, in Cambridge. The 333,333 journeys amounts to 3.85 million km of route planning – that's an awful lot of cycling! This is also the equivalent of cycling to the moon […]

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