CycleStreets – review of the year

Today is our second birthday – CycleStreets was launched on 20th March 2009. The last year has seen a huge amount of development work, leading to new features, speed improvements, and more. However, the next six months will be even busier as the project really ramps up! In the first year, CycleStreets planned 67,000 routes. […]

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Journey planning limit increased to 200 miles

We're pleased to announce that the journey planning limit has been doubled to 200 miles (320km). This is well over a day's cycling! Mobile users should bear in mind that long journeys result in more data being sent over the wire so a slower response should be expected. The generation of the route and its metadata […]

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Guest Post: Bike Hub cycle satnav for Android

The UK Bike Hub levy released a free iPhone bicycle journey planning app in October, using CycleStreets routing. This was later upgraded to become the world's first vibrate & voice cycle satnav. Bike Hub funds have now enabled the creation of an app for Android phones. This is also free, paid for by UK bicycle suppliers and […]

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Journey planner for West Sussex County Council

We're pleased to announce the launch a customised cycle journey planner for West Sussex County Council! We hope that this will be the first of many Local Authority sites based on CycleStreets (and thus OpenStreetMap), although quite a number already have links to our main site. Read more about the services we can offer […]

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CycleStreets plans its half-millionth route

Today saw the 500,000th route planned on the system! Route 500,000 was planned by a user of the Bike Hub iPhone app, a cycle satnav/planner app with a handy bike shop finder. Their route was a half-hour journey from the King's Cross area to South Kensington, a distance of 4¼ miles. CycleStreets exists to help […]

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Helping campaigners campaign: our GeoVation challenge bid

Cycling in the Netherlands happens because of bike-friendly culture and excellent infrastructure. Let's face it – cycling conditions in the UK need to be improved massively. Cycle lanes that end unexpectedly, roads shared with lorries and traffic fumes, non-existent cycle parking. Any cyclist can give you a catalogue of problems that need tackling. The end result […]

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CycleStreets discussed in Parliament

Friday 21st January 2011 saw a short Adjournment Debate in the House of Commons on the subject of "Cycling in England". A question was raised as to the government's support for use of tax money (£2.4 million) on the TransportDirect cycle journey planner when CycleStreets (£28.1k spent) already exists. This debate on cycling was secured by […]

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